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Privacy Policy

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS believes the privacy and confidentiality of an individual’s personal information is important. We provide the following privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to address new issues and to reflect changes on our Site. Please refer back to this Privacy Policy regularly because your use of the Site signifies that you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time.

a. Collection of Personally Identifiable Information. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS collects personally identifiable information about you only when you voluntarily provide such information. (Personally identifiable information is any information that can be used to identify or contact a specific individual and any other information about that individual.)

b. Use of Personally Identifiable Information. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS will not sell or otherwise transfer or disclose personally identifiable information to third parties not affiliated with THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS without the your prior consent (except as may be required by law, such as a court-ordered subpoena, search warrant, or other court order; or required by exigent circumstances). That means that THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS will never disclose your name, e-mail address, street address or phone number to third parties not Affiliated with THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS without your consent. We may use your personally identifiable information only to tailor your experience at our Site, and to compile and display content and information that we think you might be interested in and to display content according to such preferences.

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS also may use your profile information on an aggregate basis – without personal identifiers -- to provide our editors with information that is useful in developing new features and content for the Site, and to provide Sponsors and others with aggregate information about our users and the usage patterns of the Site.

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS reserves the right to share your information with organizations affiliated with THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS (other associations, The International Federation of Accountants, Foundation for Economic Education and the Accountancy Board) without your permission.

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS reserves the right to perform statistical analyses of user behavior (on an aggregate basis) in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the Site and to inform Sponsors of such information.

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS may permit third parties to offer subscription and/or registration based services through the Site. In this event, THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties and users should check the applicable privacy policy of such party before providing personally identifiable information.

c. Retention of Your Information. It is not possible for you to delete your profile from our database, nor is it feasible to delete all traces of your activity in the system. However, you may access your information and update or modify the information. Messages posted to the boards are examples of your activities that are not feasible to delete. However, you may delete your email address from THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS database.

d. Voluntary Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information on Bulletin Boards, News Groups and Chat Rooms, and other Interactive Areas (collectively "Interactive Areas"). Users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information (for example, user name, e-mail address) on an Interactive Area of the Site, that information, along with any substantive information disclosed in your communication, can be collected and correlated and used by third parties and may result in unsolicited messages from third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS and THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS makes no warranties about the discoverability of your identity by methods beyond our control.

e. Encryption Technology. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS uses Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”) encryption technology to enhance data privacy and help prevent loss, misuse or alteration of the information under THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS control.

f. Cookie Technology. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS collects non-personal identification information through the use of “cookie” technology and/or Internet Protocol (“IP”) address tracking. Cookies are small text files a web site can use to recognize repeat users and facilitate the user’s ongoing access to and use of the site. Non-personal identification information might include the browser used by you, the type of computer, the operating systems, the Internet service providers and other similar information. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS system also automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on the Site and about the links you may select from within the Site to other sites.

THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS cannot control the use of cookies by advertisers or third parties displaying data on the Site or on the sites you visit using links from the Site. Most browsers are set to accept cookies. You can set yours to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent.

g. Links to other Sites. Users will find advertising or other content on the Site that enable linking to the sites of THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS advertisers, Sponsors and other third parties. These third party sites may have their own privacy policies or no policy at all. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS Privacy Policy does not apply to such other sites. THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS has no control over the content displayed on such sites, nor over the measures, if any, that are taken by such sites to protect the privacy of your information.

Questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be directed to THE MALTA INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS Customer Support by email at info@miamalta,org
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