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FEE believes integrity is the core principle of professional behaviour
With the launch of the Discussion Paper “Integrity in Professional Ethics” FEE (Fédération des Experts comptables Européens – Federation of European Accountants) aims at promoting the importance of integrity to business in general, and the accountancy profession in particular. The accountancy profession recognises that ethical behaviour is  fundamental to drive trust and confidence whilst its codes tend to focus on objectivity and independence. FEE believes that integrity is the core principle of professional behaviour; as the concept is understood differently by different people, particularly in an international context, this Discussion Paper is aimed at engaging into a dialogue with stakeholders.

With this paper, FEE seeks to promote a debate about the importance of integrity in the accountancy profession and business in general and to engage stakeholders in considering what behaving with integrity in a professional and business context should mean. It refers to a person’s character and resulting behaviour. At the end of the day, it is always about ‘doing the right thing’ and being understood as doing the right thing. The paper also includes a number of practical suggestions as to how to encourage integrity at an individual and organisational level.

“One of the fundamental causes of the current crisis has been the temptations to sacrifice ethical behaviour for short term results and under the current circumstances some may be even more tempted. However, the need for ethical behaviour is even greater as trust and confidence are fragile and the reputational risk to business from unethical behaviour is great.” said FEE President Hans van Damme.

A distinguishing hallmark of the accountancy profession is the acceptance of its responsibility to take into account the public interest. Integrity and ethics must be at the heart of professional life in order to achieve public trust.
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