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IFAC Releases Draft Strategy for Professional Accountants in Business Initiatives

On 6 November 2012, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the global organisation for the accountancy profession, released for comment the Professional Accountants in Business Strategy and Work Plan for 2013-2016
Since more than half of all professional accountants in the world work in business and the public and not-for-profit sectors, addressing their needs is of great importance to IFAC, and to the Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA), which is one of the founder member bodies of IFAC. The MIA submitted its comments on the proposed strategy and work plan on 19 February 2013.
The proposed strategy and specific initiatives aim to improve recognition of the diverse roles professional accountants in business perform and how they need to be positioned to drive successful and sustainable organisations. 
Overall, the MIA is supportive of the proposed PAIB Strategy and Work Plan for 2013-2016, its overall vision and strategic objectives. The MIA found the strategy and work plan to be well thought out and comprehensive in nature. It put forward a number of comments on education, the role of the chief financial officer, regulated industries and financial reporting. The MIA comment letter is downloadable from the ‘MIA Comment Letters’ e-library on the Institute's website.
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