Welcome to my weekly selection of key news and views on the
EU's Economic Crisis
The eurozone economic crisis is set to continue for quite some while until public finances are manifestly on a sound path. Then there must be a fundamental re-think about how the financial system was corrupted by excessive public debt. So to give you a better overview, GrahamBishop.com has separated the monitoring and analysis of the economic crisis from that of financial services regulation. This new weekly Economic Crisis Update will include articles on economic governance, Council and Parliament statements on the powers of the eurozone and financial regulators, issues about financing the eurozone, comments on States “at risk”, the international context, and the thoughts of some leading commentators. I trust you will find it informative, and would welcome any comments you might have.
Graham Bishop
Economic Crisis
WSJ: German bond sale spurs worries
A German government debt auction drew some of the weakest demand since the introduction of the euro, signalling diminishing investor appetite for even the safest eurozone assets amid Europe's worsening debt crisis.
Commission presents further economic governance proposals
Under the new rules, the Commission will have greater surveillance powers so that the situation does not arise again whereby failings in one country endanger the stability of the euro area as a whole.
FT: Barroso warns fate of the euro at stake
A Brussels proposal for a joint “eurobond” to steady sovereign debt markets has drawn a frosty reception from some of the most creditworthy eurozone states, with Germany attacking the idea as “troubling” and possibly counterproductive.
FT: EIOPA questions 'risk-free' bonds
Europe's top insurance regulator has called for a re-think over whether the industry should consider government bonds as risk-free in the light of the eurozone debt crisis.
European Council/Parliament Statements (crisis)
S&D: Focus on investment to avoid a spiralling debt crisis
S&D Euro MPs today urged commissioners Olli Rehn and Algirdas Semeta to stand firm in defence of investment to boost growth and job creation. During a European Parliament hearing, they also called for the early introduction of eurobonds.
Economic Governance Developments
WSJ: Pressure on Merkel amplifies
German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces growing calls to soften her resistance to a potentially powerful weapon in Europe's debt crisis: eurozone bonds that would raise appeal for investors but make each euro member liable for the debts of the others in the currency club.
Reuters: Merkel backs ECB, warns on Greek aid tranche
German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected criticism of the ECB for not taking bolder steps to stem the eurozone debt crisis and made clear the next tranche of aid for Greece could not be paid out unless big parties in the country committed in writing to back austerity.
FT: Crisis hits central and eastern Europe
These are the most difficult times for banking in central and eastern Europe (CEE) since the immediate aftermath of the end of communism. With the eurozone in crisis, many lenders are pulling in their horns even more drastically than they did when the global turmoil first struck in 2008-09.
FSA Turner: Debt and deleveraging - long-term and short-term challenges
In his speech for the Presidential Lecture at the Centre for Financial Studies in Frankfurt, FSA Chairman, Adair Turner, focused on the debt in the economy, arguing for a radical policy reform.
Eurozone crisis: Cameron and Merkel stress unity
Cameron said that as economic growth stalled, it was "essential" that the UK and Germany should work together, and the German view that eurozone countries must show a commitment to fiscal discipline was "absolutely right".
European Commission Green Paper on the feasibility of introducing stability bonds
This assesses the feasibility of common issuance of sovereign bonds among the Member States of the eurozone. The introduction of commonly-issued stability bonds would mean a pooling of sovereign issuance among the Member States and sharing of associated revenue flows and debt-servicing costs.
Sharon Bowles MEP: Eurobonds are a long-term answer but won’t solve immediate eurozone problems
Euro MP Sharon Bowles, Chair of the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, welcomes proposals on eurobonds which will be presented to her committee by European Commissioner Olli Rehn later today, but notes they will not solve the crisis in the short-term.
FT: Commission proposes 'eurobonds'
The introduction of a joint "eurobond" that would replace national issuance by individual members of the eurozone could offer the best solution for policymakers seeking a more stable sovereign debt market, according to a study by the European Commission.
At-Risk States
EurActiv: Brussels confident Italy's Monti will balance budget
After talks with the new Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, Commission President, José Manuel Barroso, said he was confident that Italy would deliver the needed structural reforms to balance the budget.
EurActiv: Hungary asks EU and IMF for safety-net funding
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, requested 'precautionary aid' from the EU and the International Monetary Fund, saying Hungary was seeking "a kind of insurance policy" against possible future financing difficulties.
Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, following the meeting with Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti
Van Rompuy and Monti discussed the current economic and financial situation in Italy.
IMF Statement on Hungary
Ms Lagarde said that the IMF has received a request from the Hungarian authorities for possible financial assistance.
Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, after the meeting with Greek Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos
Prime Minister Papademos reiterated the full determination of his government, supported by all political parties, to implement the programme agreed upon with the Troika.
FT: Deal over Greek bonds to set template
The debate about how big the losses that holders of Greek bonds should suffer is about to bubble up to the surface again. Banks and insurers are on the verge of forming a steering committee to represent creditors in talks with Greece.
Commentataries on the Economic Crisis
Mody/Sandri: The interplay of sovereign spreads and banks' fragility in the eurozone
This column argues that the payoffs from strengthening banks' balance sheets can still be large and, therefore, fiscal support is merited. But a more resolute strategy for winding down banks is also needed.
Manfred Schepers: A three-pillar plan to underpin a new fiscal union
Writing for the FT, Schepers, vice president and chief financial officer of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, says that Europe's leaders should seize this opportunity to put in place a permanent structure for eurozone governance.
Schoenmaker et al: How much capital do European banks need? Some estimates
This column argues governments and banking supervisors should agree a recapitalisation package well before Christmas. It adds that the required amount to be raised by each bank should be presented as a euro amount and not as a ratio so as not to tempt banks to cut down assets instead of raising capital.
Simon Nixon: Debt crisis is a symptom of wider failings
In his WSJ column, Nixon writes that after almost two years in which the focal point of the eurozone debt crisis has shifted from one European capital to another, it has finally arrived where it belongs: in the bloc's headquarters in Brussels.
Michiel van Hulten: To get out of this crisis we need to rebuild Europe from scratch
The European Union is in urgent need of repair. Its structures are incapable of dealing with the huge political and economic issues we are facing today. It lacks the legitimacy it needs to operate efficiently and effectively. The answer is to replace the existing EU with a new, two-layered structure.
Ben Patterson: 'Understanding the EU Budget'
Patterson's latest book ends with two recommendations for the future which both Eurosceptics and federalists alike may find controversial. It offers UK businesses and individual taxpayers a comprehensible explanation as to how the money they pay to Europe is raised and spent on their behalf.
OMFIF: As euro dream turns sour, single currency may divide into two
David Marsh is of the opinion that the answer is not 'more Europe' – as German Chancellor Angela Merkel keeps saying – but, instead, 'more euro'.
Wolfgang Münchau: Austerity alone can’t save the euro
In his FT column, Münchau says we have gone way beyond the point at which this crisis is solvable by standard instruments of economic policy. The survival of the euro will now depend on whether Ms Merkel or Mr Draghi, or both, will blink. This may yet happen, but not right away.
Guido Westerwelle: Germany is not for turning on how to save the euro
Germany's foreign minister writes in the FT that an erosion of the eurozone would jeopardise Europe as a political project, and with it the chance to make our values and interests be heard in the new power set-up of the 21st century.
Think Tank Contributions
Bruegel: What kind of fiscal union?
This Policy Brief proposes that the EMU architecture must be strengthened by taking steps towards a fiscal union that involves both a political authority (a euro area 'finance minister') and fiscal resources to prevent, manage and resolve crises.
ECRI: Foreign currency indebtedness - a potential systemic risk in emerging Europe
In this new ECRI Commentary, Angelo Fiorante writes that foreign currency indebtedness in new EU Member States has had serious post-crisis consequences, where a substantial currency mismatch has contributed to an alteration in the macro-economic and financial risk profile of individual countries.
CER: The eurozone and the US - a tale of two currency zones
Philip Whyte writes that weary European policy-makers would do better to reflect on why the eurozone faces an existential crisis while the US does not. The answer is that the two are very different monetary unions.
Bruegel: The end-game is debt sustainability
Benedicta Marzinotto comments that there is one aspect of the eurozone that was little understood when the project was launched and embraced by the Member States: countries in a monetary union issue debt in a currency that is foreign to them.
SUERF Study 2011/3: 'Monetary Policy after the Crisis'
This study presents the key findings of the conference, 'Monetary Policy after the Crisis', jointly organised by SUERF and the National Bank of Poland in Warsaw on 4 March 2011.
CEPS: Speculative attacks within or outside a monetary union - default versus inflation (what to do today)
In this analytical policy brief, CEPS Director Daniel Gros explores whether there is a fundamental difference between a formal sovereign default with a haircut and debt monetisation, which reduces the purchasing power for investors by the same amount.