MIA Members' Annual Social Event
The Institute is planning to organise an annual Members’ social event on the lines of a casual barbeque or meal to be held on a Friday afternoon as close to the anniversary of the death of the founding father of accountants Fra Luca Bartolomeo di Pacioli which took place on 19 June 1517. Since June has gone by, this year it has been decided to hold the event on a Friday in October. The idea is that this annual event will be held to celebrate what will be termed as ‘MIA day’ and be restricted to members only. There will be no formalities thus allowing members to truly relax and enjoy the afternoon. In fact, the dress code will be casual.
This year the event is to be held at the Marsa Sports Club on Friday 21 October at 1.00pm and weather permitting, the function will be held outdoors in a designated area in front of the main clubhouse. Should the weather not be so accommodating, then it will be held in the club’s main dining room.
Finger food will be served before lunch with a cash bar serving drinks which Members will have to pay for. This will be followed by lunch as detailed in the MENU together with flowing wine and mineral water. The cost of the lunch will be financed by the Institute and thus will be free of charge for those members attending. Attendance will be restricted to a limited number on a first come first served basis due to seating limitations.
Those members wishing to attend are kindly asked to register their interest with either Ms. Kirsten Micallef at kmicallef@miamalta.org or Ms. Sarah Bonello at sbonello@miamalta.org.