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FEE Alert on sovereign debt exposures

FEE Council
FEE Member Bodies
FEE Working Parties, Subgroups and Task Forces

Dear Colleagues,

FEE is closely following the evolution of the sovereign debt issue.  The Financial Reporting Policy Group has been discussing the matter and its impact on the profession at large.

During its meeting of yesterday (19 July), the FEE Executive has decided to issue an Alert on the matter that has been finalised today.

It has been decided to issue this Alert today as this was considered more appropriate than waiting for tomorrow’s European summit which outcome remains uncertain (in both content and date) and missing the deadline for half-year financial reports.  You will find this paper on the FEE website.

We hope this will be of help to you.

Kind regards,


On behalf of Olivier Boutellis-Taft, CEO

Project Officer and Communication Coordinator
T.: +32 (0)2 285 40 78
FEE: Standing for Trust and Integrity

Federation des Experts-comptables Europeens – Federation of European Accountants (AISBL)
Avenue d'Auderghem, 22-28 / 8
B-1040 Brussels
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